Friday, August 27, 2010

How to create an effective real estate flyer

By Averie Garman

Anytime you market yourself you want to be sure you're creating a product that is a clear representation of you. Branding yourself is your first goal as a real estate agent and one way to do that is to create an effective real estate flyer for your sellers. I've found that buyers want to see lot's of photos of the property and don't care about frilly designs. E-how suggests that you have at least one spectacular photo of the exterior, followed by other photos that clearly and accurately represent the home. I agree, make sure the exterior photo is edited properly as well. Make sure that more grass and landscape is showing in the photo rather than concrete and garage. I use the program “Irfanview” to edit photos (you can download it for free Irfanview download). Have someone else spell-check your work. Make sure the grammar is correct and makes sense. Avoid writing a lengthy paragraph, keep is short and to the point. I like to use bullet points but other formats work well too. Write the description as if it was a restaurant menu and you’re describing the dishes. Give the buyer just enough information so that they can see if the home fits their personal tastes. I like to use different fonts depending on the style of the home; my favorites are Times New Roman, Arial, Cambria and Garamond. Make sure it’s still easy to read and clear. The size of the font is important as well. Most buyers who pick up flyers are walking by or driving up, they may not have their reading glasses close by. I recommend font size 12 and larger. Depending on your brand and its market share your going to want to up sell (or maybe down sell) the company logo. Your company should have their brand guidelines posted. Make sure your obeying the size and layout guidelines. Just like a business card, you want the quality of paper and ink the flyer is printed on to be nice. If your spending a lot of money on flyers you might want to propose a cap on how many colored flyers your going to deliver to your sellers. For example after the first 200 colored flyers, the sellers have to cover the cost of printing.

1 comment:

  1. You make some excellent points here Avery.

    Thank you for the tip on IRFan - I'll have to check it out. How does it compare to Photoshop?
