Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fall Home Maintenance

Get your home and family ready for the fall months!

• Drain hot water heater and remove any sediment from the bottom.

• Replace the furnace filter.

• Have your heating system serviced.

• Replace all summer screens with storm windows and doors.

• Be sure all doors latch properly to protect against high winds.

• Have your chimney serviced and cleaned. Check for any missing mortar or for debris (i.e. bird nests).

• Clean your gutters and downspouts throughout the fall season.

• Repair any window cracks or holes in weather stripping or caulking.

• Clean your ducts.

• Check to make sure your thermostat works properly.

• Check crawlspace for flooding after the first long rainfall.

• Make sure you have new batteries in all your flashlights and that they are easily found around the house.

• Stock up on bottled water and snacks in case of a power outage.

• Turn ON gas furnace pilot light.

• Make sure you have adequate insulation in attic and crawlspace.

• Continually check your air vents to make sure they aren’t blocked.

• Clean out the bathroom fan/filter.

• Test all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

• Make sure you have at least one fire extinguisher on each floor and in the garage.

• Make a fire escape plan for your house and make sure you review it with all family members.

Call us for a list of our trusted sub-contractors.

-John Kritsonis & Karl Lindor
Windermere Real Estate/East,Inc.

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